Online | Ashland, OR
Third Hand Class is a year long class, embarking on a project assembling 10-15 artists who collaborate on an exchange of ideas leading to a published book. Each artist shares their art in watercolor booklets, mailing them between each other. The “Third Hand” is an almost imperceptible force that enters and takes over one’s artwork, changing its direction, often through chances or unexpected direction notions. It is closely related to the faculty of intuition.
This Third Hand initiative is designed to encourage artsits to be inspired by each others’ art work, facilitating, acceptance, trust, and freedom of expression. This mail art project creates a sense of community that bypasses physical boundaries. As the work is shared, a very personal and intimate collaboration spurs us on to reach deeper within our reserves of expression. The artistic journey remains solitary yet socially interactive. Monthly lessons introduce techniques and verbal responses that may serve as further inspiration. The watercolor booklets are mailed monthly to a participant who works within the booklet mailed to them for one month. At the end of the year the booklets are mailed to KGBGart to be scanned into an art book. Please direct interest in this class to kgbgart@gmail.com
Detail from Travel Journal
The Third Hand
Artists’ Journals for The Third Hand
Cover of Travel Journal
Personal Oracle Collage Class
Paste Paper
Image Transfer Class
Sacred Mandala Class
Image Transfer Class